Together, we make learning come alive!

For over 10 years, Little Green Thumbs has helped students and teachers across Canada become food producers right in their own classroom.


years of Little Green Thumbs

We wouldn’t trade a second of learning, growing, eating and sharing!

Like every adventure and every garden, the Little Green Thumbs story is full of success, challenge, joy, defeat, surprise and a ton of memories.


Host Organizations


of teachers agree

…their classroom garden has improved their learning environment.


of teachers agree

…their garden promoted teamwork and cooperation amongst their students.


of teachers agree

…their garden catalyzed questions and curiosity that facilitated learning.

A garden is more than the sum of it’s parts!

Gardens are living laboratories, engaging students in hands-on exploration of our food, agriculture and environment.


schools in our network


classroom gardens across Canada


teachers trained


harvest salad-brations have brought classrooms, schools and community together


classroom visits by dedicated Little Green Thumbs coordinators and garden mentors


Little Green Thumbs students dig in each year


Little Green Thumbs over the past 10 years


of seeds planted!

10 years in

and this is just the beginning…

Thanks to our national partner

Thank you to our friends and partners

A special gift for our Little Green Thumbs teachers

Free inquiry learning course and e-book

We’ve partnered with inquiry-based learning expert, Tiffany Poirier, a.k.a. The Inquiry Ninja, on a free inquiry learning course, The Question Toolbox. The course features Tiffany’s keynote address from our recent School Garden Summit, along with a free copy of her e-book, The Question Toolbox.

Participate in a  Discussion Forum, ask Tiffany questions, share your own ideas, and continue to grow the learning. This is course is free to Little Green Thumbs teachers only — an exclusive gift courtesy of Little Green Thumbs and Inquiry Ninja.

Sign in with your teacher log-in to the Little Green Thumbs website to access The Question Toolbox!

One-year subscription to Green Teacher Magazine.

All of our Little Green Thumbs teachers now have a digital subscription! You also gain full access to an archive of 80+ webinars and 400+ articles and activities from recent issues of the magazine.

Sign in with your teacher log-in to the Little Green Thumbs website to access your Green Teacher subscription!

New digital storybook

Follow Little Green Thumb on an adventure to plan a 10th Birthday Rainbow Salad-bration! Read-along with your students. Continue the learning with activities that make learning about vegetables fun and encourage kids to ‘Eat a Rainbow’ of fresh fruits and vegetables.