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Our Favourite Garden-based Nutrition Resources
Our Favourite Garden-based Nutrition Resources How do we make the healthy food choice the easy choice for kids? Evidence says garden-based nutrition education can have a big impact. This is how you can put it to work! In a time when conversations about food are so...
School Gardens Build Environmental Awareness
School Gardens Build Environmental Awareness “It is impossible for a child to work [in a] garden without tuning himself to certain universal laws…while he is grubbing in the earth, stirring the soil untiringly so as to let in the moisture and the air, nature’s secrets...
Inquiry Learning in the Garden
What makes a seed a seed? Do all plants need the same things? Can plants grow in the dark? Questions like this naturally sprout in a classroom garden. Nowhere is an inquiry-based learning approach more appropriate than when working with nature, plants and composting.
Where Does Our Food Come From? Our Favourite Ag & Food System Resources
Where Does Our Food Come From? Our Favourite Ag & Food System Resources One of the goals of the Little Green Thumbs garden is to help students create meaningful, informed connections between the food they grow and eat, and the agricultural processes involved in...
Garden Your Mind
Garden Your Mind There is a saying, “Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds”. We can tend our minds, just as we tend our gardens, but instead of growing carrots or tomatoes, we grow our brains (or the synaptic...
Our Top 8 Evidence-Based Reasons to Cultivate a Classroom Garden
Our Top 8 Evidence-Based Reasons to Cultivate a Classroom Garden A garden provides a perfect tool for hands-on learning, inquiry-based learning to deepen the learning in your core curriculum. Many life skills can be learned through gardening, as well as research and...
Scissor Salsa
Scissor Salsa Chunky fresh salsa that your students can prepare themselves? Yes, please! Check out this simple Scissor Salsa activity that guides you through the recipe of fresh garden salsa with simple tools and safety scissors! Why not try a tomato taste test with...
Resources for Garden-based Learning
Resources for Garden-based Learning In celebration of back to school, we rounded up our favourite online and print teacher resources for integrating garden-based and food learning into your classroom. We love these resources and the organizations who produce them. If...
Kids Books in the Garden
Our Favourite Kids' Garden Books Check out our favourites on the Little Green Thumbs book shelf! Using children’s literature to connect kids to gardening, agriculture, good food and the natural world is a compelling and rewarding strategy. We’ve compiled some of our...